Translations changed a lot over the past couple years, is there a digital revolution in the world of Translation agency’s?

The digital revolution is in full swing. The typewriter is gone and the computer has taken its place. Like the typewriter, more and more professions will disappear. As a translation agency, you have to get on board the raging digital train if you don’t want to suffer the same fate as the old-fashioned typewriter. What will the future of translation look like in five years’ time?

Translation memory: start of the digital revolution

Translation memory is one of the technologies underlying the digital revolution of the translation world. A translation memory is a database consisting of sentences and phrases in the source language with the corresponding translation in the target language.

The translator works with a translation software and while translating, this database is continuously searched to check if a sentence or a term has been translated before. If it has, then the translation can be used again. A very efficient and consistent way of working.

  • Just imagine how many translated terms a translator had to be able to remember before the digital revolution!
  • One page after another had to be turned to find the previous translation.
  • Fortunately, this is now a thing of the past and you are only a few clicks away from each previously translated word.

The rise of machine translation

But the digital train races on unabated. Starting in 2000, machine translation took off. A term that still causes quite a bit of hesitation for many. And although machine translations are not 100% accurate, it is a technological tool that enables the translator to work better and more productively on a translation.

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